Coincidences. Cellular Automata. Free will. Fate.
I believe there are things in the Universe, which are best described as not-coincidences. The scientists in the crowd might dismiss them, out of sheer logical presumptions, ignoring the fact that Science is only a method, and that it is improvable while not having all the answers right now...
Will there be a never-ending intelligence explosion? or not?
Things are limited by the qualities of its parts. No good knife can be made out of bad steel, and certainly no boat either (i.e. the Titanic). Things exist within the many limits of our Universe. These limits determine when something changes and under which exact mathematical conditions...
Polynomial models for 7 countries' costs of living, and stuff.
Sometime ago I was about to move elsewhere, and I was really curious where was I going to pay more in taxes. I did my calculations and stored the files for years. In case you're not from Argentina, lately there's been a big fuss over here on the topic of income tax...
Classic Meta-heuristics with creative hacks
I don't consider myself an expert on AI. I am as much as a student as the next fellow curious person, and will ever remain to be. However, I do consider my perspective to be different. If you've read my résumé , perhaps you already know that I'm a college dropout...
Moving value, shopping, micro-payments and a bit more.
The world is changing, and crypto-currency is becoming mainstream; this is good because right now it is not "What can YOU do for bitcoin?" but rather "What can BITCOIN do for you?". If you have to know only one thing, let it be this one...
ASIC Mining vs Cloud Mining, bitcoin mining efficiency, and more.
Perhaps you were thinking the same I was thinking: do the cloud mining providers take a big % of your profits? Apparently not. I've had the pleasure of receiving some data from another cloud mining service (, and some ASIC mining...
ASIC Mining vs Cloud Mining, bitcoin mining efficiency, and more.
What should you think before buying Cloud Mining? You might wonder if it is profitable at all. There are cloud mining haters, and there are cloud mining enthusiasts; you might be wondering whom to trust, the answer is: none of them...
It's profitable, but... just don't do it.
It is profitable. For the owner of the cloud-mining service, and for you too. I've been "cloud-mining" for about 150 days with PBMining, and I should be reaching break-even soon. I'm not a shill, but I'm not a dissatisfied customer either...
Have you ever wondered about how abstract—and exploitable—can ARPG mechanics get?
And by best, I mean, the most efficient way to finish an ARPG. Let’s develop this idea. An ARPG can be thought of as a series of Fight-Reward cycles, with increasing variety of attack choices and scaled difficulty and rewards....
When design spaces and problems grow, it can sure be daunting to maintain balance amidst chaos.
Literally, a game without balance breaks down, falling apart. The same could be said about your life, a company, your body, etc. Games are sequences of decisions, exercises in willpower, each choice carrying an irreversible fate...
A simple quote about efficiency gets analyzed, to give insights on how much time to spend training or working.
Abe Lincoln said: “If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.†I believe he was right, for there are problems that can be solved swifter (if at all) if the tool is better...